In the news

  • Weathering the storm: Order of Canada inductee Ian Burton on adapting to climate change

    Seven current or former U of T faculty were appointed to the Order of Canada in December

    By Amy Mann
    January 22, 2024

  • Canada’s ‘father’ of climate change adaptation urges action

    Known by some as “the father of adaptation” to climate change, Ian Burton helped create and expand knowledge of this important concept

    By Abdul Matin Sarfraz
    January 23rd 2024

  • BBVA Award

    The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change has gone in this thirteenth edition to Neil Adger, Ian Burton and Karen O’Brien for changing the paradigm of climate change action, previously confined to mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, by folding in the concept of adaptation to unavoidable impacts.

  • The Fervent Debate Over the Best Way to Confront Global Warming

    Why we can no longer afford to ignore the case for climate adaptation. Scientists couldn't agree for years about the best way to fight global warming—now we know we need to both cut emissions, and adapt.


  • Disaster risk reduction as an essential component of climate change policy – Interview with Dr. Ian Burton

    Having worked with governments and international agencies worldwide, Dr. Burton is one of Canada’s leading climate change scientists and one of the pioneers in the field of climate change adaptation. We sat down with Dr. Burton for an interview in his Toronto home over a strong cup of shade-grown coffee. Interview by Lily Yumagulova, Editor, HazNet